Author: bustybella

Who is Bella Dalvez?

For those of you who have come across my website from other means, i.e. not Twitter or Facebook, I’ve decided I should let you know a bit about myself. As is painfully obvious, I’m a BBW (Big, Beautiful, Woman) who

Ballarat: Your phone reception sucks here :(

Here I am in Ballarat ladies and gentlemen but my phone reception is really shocking. Please use SMS to contact me. At least that works 🙂   Bella xxx

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Ballarat, August 9-11

I’ll be in Ballarat for work August 9-11. Book quickly! 0449 722 132

Griffith – Here I am.

Ladies & Gentlemen, I’m in Griffith until the 21st. Sadly I have to leave on the 22. Grab me while you can… lol xxx Bella

Hello! I’m Back :)

Welcome to my new spiffy site 🙂 Yeah, I know it’s been a while since I’ve had a web presence.  It’s a loooong story.  The short version is: my old domain lapsed and got snaffled up by somebody else.