Frequently asked questions

What’s the best way of contacting you?

Ideally by email or text message. Sometimes I’m out in public so it’s hard to carry on a discussion about bookings via phone call. The people around me give me weird looks when I start talking about blowjobs etc. lol.

I contacted you but I haven’t heard back yet. What should I do?

Feel free to contact me again. Sometimes emails end up in my junk folder or the silly internet gremlins intercept them!

Also, I’ve often discovered voicemail messages that weren’t there last time I checked. And sometimes I’m just a dumbarse who deletes messages accidentally cos my fingers are too fat! Lol

In all seriousness… mistakes happen or I may just be super busy. By all means contact me again. “Bella, I left a message xxx day haven’t heard back.”

How do I make a booking?

Call, text or email me with the following information:

Proposed time & date of booking, duration and location.

Eg “Bella, this is Tim, are you available Wednesday June XX at 7pm for 2 hours in Brighton”

That way you’ve provided me with all the info I need and I can check my diary and come up with possible alternatives if I’m unable to meet all your criteria.

Can I come and see you?

Victorian rules stipulate that as a private worker I can only visit you (outcalls). Incalls (where you visit the worker) are allowed at brothels only.

I’m happy to visit at your home or at a hotel/motel.

I understand it’s an extra expense having to book a place to meet, but I don’t clockwatch and trust me, I’m well worth it!

What kind of motel/hotel do you prefer?

I’m not fussy. As long as there’s a hot shower in the room and a comfy bed.

Some hotels/motels offer short stays, which means you pay a lower rate and have the room for a few hours rather than overnight. Just ask when you call reception.

Please let me know beforehand if the hotel you’re staying at requires key access for the elevator.

What are your services?

Again, our stringent Victorian laws prohibit me from discussing the services I offer, (pretty silly hey?).

However, nothing stating I can’t tell you what I don’t do. I don’t allow anal on me (keep away from my butthole!), I don’t do any animal play, scat play or domination on me. No blood sports and nothing illegal.

I feed off you and your energy. Tell me what you like and don’t like doing. The more you communicate with me, the more fun we’ll end up having.

Be specific in your requests. “I’m looking for a good time”, means absolutely nothing to me! Everyone has their own definition of a ‘good time’. Some like to kiss and cuddle… some like me to squash their balls with my bare hands. See what I mean?

How do I pay?

Cash. In Australian currency thanks.

Please let me know beforehand if you need an invoice or change.

How do I prepare for a booking?

Please be freshly showered upon my arrival. Give all your ‘bits’ a thorough wash. Bend over, twist around, pull things up …. Give everything a good scrub.

Have the right amount of money ready to hand to me when I arrive. In an envelope is really handy.

Please make sure all animals are secured. I don’t really like dogs/cats sniffing my butt when I’m doing sexy stuff to you.

If someone else shares the house with you, please ensure they are not around. I can get rather loud… it may be embarrassing for them to hear! Lol.

If your booking is at night at your home, please leave the outside light on so I can see where I’m walking.

Can you give me a discount? (I’m really handsome/I have a big cock/girls reckon I give the best head/I’m a great root/I can pay in drugs)

Short answer… No.


How far will you travel?

I’m happy to travel up to 40 minutes from my area, which is the City of Casey. Anything further than that will require a minimum 2 hour booking.

Can I book you for half an hour?

No. Sorry, my minimum booking is for an hour when working in Melbourne.

The only time I do half hour bookings is when I’m touring.

I don’t have my own place; can you do a booking in my car?

I will not fuck you in a car; I will not fuck you very far,

Not in a tent, nor when you’re bent.

Not on the road or with a toad.

Can I take pics or video?

I prefer only regular clients take pics. However, my boobs are pretty amazing and I know how awesome a cock looks between them 🙂 So yes, I will allow some pics that don’t show my face and all such pics must be okayed by me first and must not be shared with others.

Are your boobs real?

Yes. They are a size K-L depending on the style of bra I wear. They are real and heavy!

What if I need to cancel?

I understand that things pop up. As long as you give me at least 4 hours notice, that’s fine.

My question isn’t on here, what do I do?

ASK!! Lol